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How to Use the AAMC Sample Test

What should I do with the unscored AAMC test?

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Written by Blueprint
Updated over 3 years ago

The AAMC Sample Test is a free resource that can be accessed through the AAMC prep hub using your AAMC credentials. This exam will give you a percent score for questions answered correctly in each section. For example, if you answered 50 out of 59 questions correctly in the Chem Phys section, you would get a score of 85%. The AAMC has not released an official score scale for this exam, so there is no truly accurate method to determine what this percentage would translate to on the official scale. While that may feel disappointing there are still useful ways to use this test as an effective part of your prep!

Depending on your personality, schedule, and where you are in your prep, there are a few different ways that you could use this test.

  1. Take it as the last test before you sit for your official exam. This is a great option if you have test anxiety or want to practice timing and strategy without the pressure of a score. Plan to complete your final practice exam 7 days before your test date so that you have sufficient time to review.

  2. Take it before you work through the AAMC practice tests. If you have ample time in your schedule and plan to take all 4 scored AAMC tests, the Sample Test can be a great way to get comfortable with the pacing and structure of the MCAT without using one of the scored exams.

  3. Take it in sections. We recommend taking approximately 6-8 Full Length exams before your official test. If you want to fit in another practice exam but don't have time in your schedule, a great option is to take the exam in sections. You will still benefit from the practice, but are less likely to experience burnout.

Regardless of how you decide to use the Sample Test, be sure to set aside ample time to thoroughly review it. In the end, the Sample Test is a resource developed and released by the AAMC so it can provide beneficial insight into how the AAMC writes test questions and wrong answers as well as your performance on these questions. Check out this article for some exam review advice.

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