By default, Blueprint's Med School Study Planner arranges your tasks grouped by subject. All chapters and videos on the same subject will be put together in your schedule. For each study block, however, you can change the order in which certain topics are covered. You can use your study plan settings to set your tasks to be grouped by subject or system or in their published order (from first to last chapter). To access this setting, click Subject, System and Resource Order on the Edit Schedule page
Study by Subject and Study by System
When you select sort by subject or sort by system, you will have the option to arrange the order you go through your books within that subject or system. For example, all chapters and videos related to Hematology could be put in your schedule before all chapters and videos related to Cardiology. To change the order of the subject or systems, simply drag the subjects or systems into the order you desire and then click Save & Rebalance.
Study by Resource
You may choose to cover all the chapters or videos in one book or lecture series in the original published order by selecting sort by resource.
Tasks from every resource will run simultaneously, in the order of the published resource (for example, from page 1 to 1000 or video 1 to 100).