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Syncing your Study Schedule with Google Calendar or iCal
Syncing your Study Schedule with Google Calendar or iCal

How can I sync my schedule to my personal calendar?

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Written by Blueprint
Updated over a week ago

How can I see Blueprint's Med School Study Planner tasks in my personal calendar?

Seeing your study schedule with your favorite calendar app is easy. Once you have added your study plan to your calendar, you will see all of your assignments in your calendar app.

1. Go to the Edit Schedule page

2. Click Add to Calendar (on the top right of the settings page)

3. In the Add to Calendar popup, choose which study plans you'd like to see events from on your calendar by selecting the checkboxes to the left of each study plan name. If you are a tutoring student, you can also choose the plan named Tutoring to see all scheduled sessions with your tutor.

4. In the Add to Calendar popup, copy the URL provided. There will be one URL for all study plans selected.

5. Open a calendar application of your choice, paste the URL as a new subscription and subscribe. Choose the settings you want, and save.

That’s it! Now you’ll see all of your study plan assignments in your calendar application. You won’t be able to make changes to your study plan through your third-party calendar application, but when you make changes to your study plan, you will see those changes reflected in your calendar application as soon as it refreshes. Please note, it can take several minutes for all assignments to populate in your calendar app.

Any changes you make in your calendar application will get overwritten when your study plan syncs. So, always use Blueprint's Med School Study Planner to move assignments around, not your calendar application.

Google Calendar

  • Click Add to Calendar on your study plan and copy the URL provided through the steps above.

  • In Google Calendar, on the left sidebar, click the plus icon next to “Other calendars."

  • From the list that appears, click From URL.

  • Paste the URL in the “URL of calendar” field and then click Add Calendar.

  • You should now see your new subscription listed in the left sidebar under “Other calendars.”

  • Make sure the checkmark for your new study plan subscription is checked.

  • Rename your new subscription (since the default name will be the URL), by clicking on the three dots that appear when you hover over the subscription, and then clicking Settings. Edit the name in the first field on the Calendar Settings page and then hit enter. Be sure to refresh your calendar page to see the new name.

  • To unsubscribe from your study plan, click on the X that appears when you hover over the subscription and then confirm that you want to unsubscribe.

Apple Calendar

  • Click Add to Calendar and copy the URL provided through the steps above.

  • In Apple Calendar, go to File -> New Calendar Subscription.

  • Paste the URL in the Calendar URL box and hit Subscribe.

  • Choose the settings to your liking, like auto-refresh frequency, and assign a color (like blue for Blueprint!).

  • You should now see your new subscription listed to the left sidebar of the calendar under “Other.” Make sure the checkmark for your study plan subscription is checked, in order to see the assignments show up on your calendar.

  • To unsubscribe from your study plan, right click on the subscription in the left sidebar and click Unsubscribe.


  • Click Add to Calendar and copy the URL provided through the steps above.

  • In the left sidebar of your Outlook Calendar, click Add Calendar.

  • Click on Subscribe From Web.

  • Paste the URL in the box, then enter a name, choose a color (like blue for Blueprint!) and click Import.

  • You should now see your new subscription under My Calendars or Other Calendars, depending on which option you choose.

Important Notes

Making changes to your Schedule

The changes you make to your study plan will sync to your personal calendar, but not vice versa. If you wish to change the events, make the changes in Blueprint's Med School Study Planner only and then let the syncing process complete.

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