In 2022 the AAMC released a new, free resource: the Official Prep Free Practice Exam.
Unlike the Free Sample Test, this exam does give you a scaled score and percentile rank. As such, this exam is the most current, representative practice exam available directly from the test-maker. So, how should you incorporate it into your prep?
Well, you should treat this as a fifth full-length AAMC exam: take it after AAMC Practice Exams 1-4 as your final full length practice. Ideally, this final full-length exam is completed about 1 week prior to testing. Be sure to set aside ample time afterwards to review your performance as this resource can provide beneficial insight into how the AAMC writes test questions and wrong answers as well as your performance on these questions and the exam overall. Check out this article for some exam review advice.
This exam is available to add to your Blueprint Study Plan through the assignment bank. Click the + on any calendar day to bring up the assignment bank; it'll be under Full Length Exams:
Like other AAMC resources on the Study Plan, this will link you out to the AAMC prep hub, where you can login using your AAMC credentials. Find the new exam in the Full-Length Practice Products list: