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Using Blueprint Resources to Prepare for the August 2024 "LG-Free" LSAT
Using Blueprint Resources to Prepare for the August 2024 "LG-Free" LSAT
Liz Flagge avatar
Written by Liz Flagge
Updated over a week ago

If you're checking out this article, chances are you're planning to take the LSAT after the Logic Games (Analytical Reasoning) section is removed and you're hoping to make use of your Blueprint resources to get ahead early on prep. Just in case you got here without context on the test change: starting in August 2024, the LSAT is going to change from its current format (1 Logical Reasoning, 1 Logic Games, 1 Reading Comprehension, 1 experimental section) into a new, LG-free structure (2 LR, 1 RC, 1 experimental section). Getting a head start on your plans for taking the LSAT in 2024 is a great idea: test changes are rare and offer an opportunity to try taking the same exam in two different ways to find the best version to suit your strengths! Blueprint will be launching resources specific to that new exam in the coming months, but if you're eager to get a jump start, we've got you covered. Whether you're firmly committed to the new LSAT or you're just testing the waters to decide if you should test before or after June, Blueprint has what you need to prepare!

If you're deciding whether you want to postpone to August:

  • First, take our first Practice Exam (or Practice Exam 4, if you took the first exam a while ago). Just like all of our practice exams, these two exams use items straight from LSAC (the Law School Admissions Council) to provide the most test-like experience possible when you practice. We currently offer 3 practice exams that don't include Logic Games that you can find at the bottom of your 'Exams' page in your account, and we will be launching more alternate versions of tests that include no LG and two Logical Reasoning sections soon! However, for this first analysis, it's important you see how you would do when facing both LG and LR. While LG will be factored into your score, both of these tests have two LR sections, meaning you'll be able to see your performance on both double-LR and on LG within the same exam. The second LR section in each of these tests is experimental, but it is taken from a real exam, and you can use your performance there as a general calibration.

  • Second, compare the number of items you got correct in LG to the two LR sections. It may be tempting to over-interpret this data: after all, 3 more questions right in LR compared to LG has to mean something, right? Not really - that kind of a small difference is statistically pretty insignificant, especially if you intend to prep. For our learners, we've found that learning and improving in LG is relatively quick and effective, making this section one you should consider taking unless you see a massive difference in performance between LR and LG. It can be harder to raise an LR score in comparison with LG, and if you wait to test, you'll essentially be doubling down on the LR section -- which makes sense if you're already close to your goal score in LR, but if both sections are low, consider keeping LG in the mix.

  • If you're on the fence, try out some of our LG modules and the accompanying practice sets, and see how you feel about this section after a bit of preparation. We'd recommend progressing through your study plan with all modules and working through the first ~3 modules that are focused on LG if you're in this group, and then assessing your improvement on the game types you reviewed and practiced (if you did the first 3, that's up through the second module focused on 1:1 Ordering games). 1:1 Ordering is quite prevalent on the LSAT, making improvement on this particular game type a great indicator of whether the LG section is right for you. If you're seeing solid improvements, that's a great sign that you should plan to keep LG in the mix. However, if you're still really struggling with 1:1 Ordering at that point, it's time to reconsider and swap to the advice given below!

If you're set on skipping LG due to anxiety about LG because you find games confusing, we'd really recommend following the advice above just to confirm you're making the right call. That said, we know there are some reasons people may already be very sure, and you're the person who has to sit and take the test, so we're here for you!

For those waiting until August:

  • Start your study plan as normal - but skip the LG modules and quizzes. You'll find almost all assignments are specific to 1 section and are titled and/or color-coded to clearly indicate the section they cover. Watch any general strategy modules (they may mention LG, but it will be brief) and all LR/RC modules as normal.

  • Take Practice Exam 1 (PE1). You can take the original version of PE1 (with Logic Games) or the 2024 version of PE1 (without Logic Games). If you’re taking the new LSAT in August 2024 or later, we recommend you choose the 2024 version as it will best reflect the version of the exam you'll encounter on test day. You need this baseline to tell if you're improving when you take later section tests and exams!

  • You should plan to spend a significant amount of extra time on the LR modules and LR practice, making extra practice sets beyond what's in the study plan to review after each LR module. There is going to be twice as much LR as RC on your exam; so you need to really make sure you're getting that info down.

  • When it comes to practice tests, we recommend you wait to take more than the three exams we offer without Logic Games - we will be launching more alternative versions of exams for you to make use of soon, and there's no need to spoil yourself in the interim! If you really want that full section experience, then you can take a section of an existing exam - or take the entire exam in sections, skipping the LG section. For tests that contain two LR sections you have quite a few options: PEs 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 12, and 14 all contain a (currently experimental) second LR section. While testing in sections will not give you a score, it will give you a sense of how you're performing, and you can compare performance directly (# of items correct) to PE1's sections to get a sense of your improvement over time.

  • As we launch resources specific to the test change, make sure to use them! Depending on just how far ahead you got, this may involve doubling back in your study plan - and that's okay. We want to make sure we're getting everyone fully ready for the new exam, and any updated resources we launch will be built with the post-August exam in mind.

Reach out to us if you have any questions, and happy prepping, no matter what LSAT you're in for!

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