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Study Tips for Repeat Students
Study Tips for Repeat Students

You already took the course and did the assignments, so what to do next?

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Written by Blueprint
Updated over a week ago

So you already took a Blueprint LSAT course, but for whatever reason, decided to take it again. Maybe you didn't have time in your schedule to fully dedicate your efforts to completing the lessons and diving into the homework. Maybe you didn't get enough full-length practice tests under your belt. Maybe you just weren't fully happy with your score on Test Day. Whatever the reason, this is one of the few opportunities in life for a true "do-over." So some tips for organizing your study plan moving forward...

Review Your Previous Materials

Start by revisiting your old notes, the Analytics tab of your student account, and Lessons Learned Journal (LLJ). Identify the areas in which you struggled the most and where you saw the most improvement. This will help you focus your efforts on the areas that need the most attention.

Then set clear goals. Determine the specific areas you want to improve. Having clear, measurable goals will help you stay focused and motivated.

Create a Study Schedule

Allocate specific times each day for LSAT prep. Make sure to balance your study sessions with rest days to avoid burnout. Aim for at least 15 hours of study per week, spread out evenly.

Take Full-Length Practice Tests

Grab your calendar and block out the times for yourself to take full-length practice tests. Do the full-length practice tests under timed conditions to simulate test day. Prioritize the practice tests in your Blueprint Account, but you can also utilize the tests from LawHub. Plan to take 1 full-length exam each week, preferably on the same day of week and same time of day that your real LSAT is scheduled for.

Review Days

Within 24 hours, review the tests thoroughly to understand your mistakes and track your progress. Try to identify the 5 questions in each section that you had gotten wrong but would have gotten right with just a minor adjustment to your approach. Those are your next most get-able points. Re-do those questions a few days later to see if the take-aways stuck with you.

Days Off

Plan to take one day off each week from LSAT preparation. Just as any work you do the day before the real LSAT should be minimal (if any), ideally this day off would be the day before each practice test.

Use QBank to Improve Weak Areas and Keep Strengths Sharp​

You'll now be left with 4 days each week. Assuming you've completed your modules and assignments from the first time you took your course (if not, those should take top priority on these remaining days), the bulk of your remaining time will be spent in QBank.

Create practice sets using QBank based on the data you saw in your Analytics tab to know which filters to select. Work one question type at a time, starting with lower difficulty levels, and then working your way up. Initially, about 75-80% of your QBank work should be dedicated to your areas of opportunity and about 20-25% on your stronger areas (to make sure they stay sharp). You may want to begin each QBank session with a warm-up of a 5-question practice set in one of your strengths to get your brain in LSAT mode and boost your confidence.

When you get to the final 7-10 days before your exam, those proportions should flip-flop because at that point you'll be more likely to run up the score in the areas you're most confident in.

QBank work should largely be untimed until you get to the final month before your LSAT. At that point, a few times each week, you can incorporate timing and make longer practice sets with mixed question types to start to emulate full sections. Remember that accuracy should be a higher priority than speed -- there are no extra points on the LSAT for getting more wrong answers more quickly.

If you find certain concepts particularly challenging, supplement this work with Office Hours* lessons for more guided practice. (*Starter tier self-paced courses have access to 2 free Office Hour sessions. If you need to upgrade, use the Chat feature in your student account and one of our Student Support Team specialists will help.)

Stay Flexible and Have a Growth Mindset

Life happens sometimes and there may be certain days you don't have as much time to do LSAT work as you'd like. When this happens, you should still carve out whatever time you can. A day in which you only had time to do 15 minutes of QBank work is a win relative to doing nothing LSAT-related that day.

Throughout this process, you're going to make mistakes. A LOT of them. That's good news -- better to make mistakes now than to make them on the one and only day they count. Just resolve to learn from every one of your mistakes, and make them happily (the happy mind is the productive mind). When you frame your thinking that mistakes are simply learning opportunities, it will keep you motivated, focused, and dedicated to getting better each week. It's always the student who is able to say "Alright, they got me on this one, those rascals! But now I have a better idea of what to do next time!" that is the student we really bet on when Test Day comes!

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