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Choosing a Live Course Schedule

How do I choose a live schedule? How can I switch between live schedules?

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Written by Blueprint
Updated over a week ago

One of the first decisions you’ll have to make is which LSAT or MCAT course schedule to choose (but you can always change your mind later!). Some courses meet once a week, others meet twice a week, and many offer a mix. Although all of our courses cover the same great content, the schedule dictates the pace at which that content is covered.

A once a week class is a good fit for:

A twice a week class is a good fit for:

  • Students who need significant review

  • Students who are testing 4 or more months from when they start class

  • Students who are taking a full course load of classes or are working full time

  • Students who feel fairly confident in their content knowledge

  • Students who have a mostly free schedule to dedicate to their studies

  • Students who (for one reason or another) must test in 4 months or less

Please note, to qualify for the Blueprint course guarantee we do have attendance requirements for live sessions. Please visit for the full list of requirements.


Once a week course

Blueprint utilizes a flipped classroom model of instruction where you’ll be doing work outside of class before attending and using what you’ve learned in your pre-work to practice during class with experts. You can see a sample week below. In this example, note that it’s around 2 hours of work per day this week

Twice a week course

Some students may want to choose a class that operates on a more accelerated schedule that meets twice a week. These classes have more out of class work per week for you to be prepared for the work in class. You can see a sample schedule below. Notice that each day has more work (between 3 and 7 hours) due to the accelerated nature of the course schedule.

Switching courses

Whichever course you choose, it's easy to switch between live course selections and to register for make-up sessions.

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